Project Zero

Forking the Theme or Plugin

Project Zero is released under version 3 of the GNU General Public License. That means you can download it and edit it, then release it as your own product. The only condition is that you maintain the same GPL v3 license, so that others can appreciate the same four freedoms under the GPL that you have.

Project Zero is hosted on GitHub to help make it easier for you to fork and distribute your own copy of the code. You can make a copy of it and edit it as your own through the website or through the command line. The instructions here will focus on forking through the website.

  1. Visit the appropriate repo on GitHub. To fork the theme, visit To fork the plugin, visit
  2. Click Fork at the top of the page.
  3. Rename the repository as you wish, and make sure Copy the main branch only is checked. A dev branch does exist, but that is for development use only.
  4. Click Create fork.

You can then download your own forked copy to your local machine to edit and build on.

For security reasons, forked repos cannot be made private. However, you can create a blank private repo and unzip the release into your own repo, if you wish.

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