Colour Library

One of my favourite projects on the Internet is BrandColors.  If I need to select a colour for a social media company that I need to include, I can almost guarantee that they’re there.  The project was created by DesignBombs, with the goal of creating a helpful reference for the brand colour codes that are needed most often.  With some accuracy, they’ve done jsut that.  The project has been featured by Smashing Magazine, CSS-Tricks, Web Design Depot, Tuts+, and the site has received over 2 million pageviews. 

However, some of the brands seemed to missing from their database, and some had suggested that the project may have slowed down and could have been abandoned.  This – thankfully – wasn’t the case, but was more work than they first thought.  As a little task to myself, I thought to create a clone with a new UI and a couple of extra features.

My version of the Colour Library includes all of the colours from BrandColors, as well as a couple more that I have found.  The original includes only HEX codes, so CL offers RGB, CMYK and HSL colours as well, with the idea of adding Pantone colours at a later date.

As well as the online database, I have made all of the data I collated available on GitHub.  This is to allow people to integrate this data into their own projects.  It comes in JSON format, as well as a SQL database.

This project is in no way connected to BrandColors, but it would not exist if it wasn’t for the team that created it.  It is their work that has acted as the catalyst for this project, and I am eternally grateful to them for creating such a wonderful resource.   Colour Library isn’t intended to replace it, but sit with it and offer a little something more.

Powered by PHP and jQuery.  Open Source with and GitHub.  Created by Nathan Hawkes.